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Trade Show Table Covers and Table Top Displays

Marketing managers across the globe consistently face the same issue – How to make your product, service, and show booth stand out from the rest.

Nowhere is this challenge more difficult than when exhibiting at a trade show where you’re limited to a very small space with a 6’ or 8’ table that looks exactly like all the other exhibitor spaces.

The Most Basic of Basics

When all you’re provided with to show your wares is a single plastic table, the challenge to stand out can certainly be difficult. But there are a variety of ways to transform this simple platform to create an impressive display that clearly expresses your company image and why your firm, product, service or technology is well worth checking out.

Most conventions held at hotels provide you with the basics – a table with a simple white table cloth, and quite possibly, a matching white table skirt. But if you’re exhibiting at an outdoor event you can usually consider yourself lucky if the trade show management supplies you with even just a table, with no covering at all.

Table Covers and Table Tops

You can completely change the look and feel of your display space with the addition of a branded table covering, or by creating a space that’s much more visually impressive with a branded table top.

By adding interest, color, and your unique message with a custom table cloth or topper, you will create a much more memorable and visually interesting display, which you’ll be sure to use at future shows since they’re light-weight and designed to be easily carried.

Think Like a Marketer

Your main goal when exhibiting is to attract attendees to your booth so that you can show, explain, or sell your product, and the best way to accomplish this is to have a more visually appealing display than the other vendors.

Logo creation and corporate branding are two essential parts of most marketing strategies, and once established, typically remain intact for a substantial period. Branding attracts the guests so that you have the opportunity to speak with them face-to-face and explain why your firm is the one that they should be doing business with, as opposed to your competitors.

Message: Front and Center

The focus of the design should be front and center on your display. Place your wares and product information strategically around your message, giving your guests the ability to see your message or logo clearly. And if your message changes in time, custom cloths and table top elements are inexpensive enough to replace with an updated version.  If you simply decide to include a new or additional message or statement, adding a custom printed banner to the mix of display elements will allow you to keep using your original table cloth or table top, and still get your new message across while adding even more visual interest to your space.

If applicable to your product, service, or technology, consider adding a flat screen monitor to the booth space, giving you the opportunity to continuously run a video to add movement and provide a scripted description of your company or way for attendees to “meet” the rest of your staff.

Engage the Eye

If your budget allows, use a combination of table top display designs and accessories to create maximum impact, such as table cloths/tops, banners/banner stands, flooring, custom lighting, AV displays, literature stands and digital signage.

If your budget is very limited, try layering two or three table cloths in varying colors to create additional visual interest. Remember that the visual impact of the display space should remain looking balanced and deliberate.

The investment in your firm’s branding and quality exhibit displays will pay you back in increased traffic and will have a positive effect on your overall trade show ROI.  If you want to grab your share of the market, make sure you’re effectively standing out from, and above, the crowd.

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